sony vegas видеоуроки,Sony Vegas Уроки,Сони Вегас Уроки,сони вегас про,Sony Vegas Pro 8.0,@Стабилизация Видео,Sonyvegas,Альфа Канал,@Vegas Pro,SONY Vegas видео уроки Sony Vegas: 05/15/12


1 урок интерфейс,новый проект; 2 урок захват видео; 3урок импорт файлов в проект; 4 урок обрезка видео; 5 урок размещение файлов проекта в окне монтажа; 6сони вегас навигация в окне монтажа; 7урок вставка новых файлов в середину фрагментов в окне монтажа; 8урок приёмы обрезк; 9урок ефекты перехода; 10 сони вегас урок создание заглавных титров; 11 сони вегас урок создание прокручивыемых титроф для завершение проекта; 12 сони вегас урок новые звуковые дорожки и их создание; 13 сони вегас урок управление громкостью; 14 сони вегас урок Микширование двух звуковых дорожек и их установки; 15 сони вегас урок завершение звукового монтажа и удаление исходных звуковых фрагментов; 16 урок применение видео ефектов; 17 урок ефекты звуковой дорожки;

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вторник, 15 мая 2012 г.

Sony Vegas Pro 10 - 3D Basics

Vegas 10 - Multicamera Editing

Image Stabilization in Vegas Pro 10

007 Style Masking Techniques for Sony Vegas

NewBlueFX Text Effect - Sony Vegas

Raylight Ultra and Sony Vegas 9

Sony Vegas Pro 9.0, like previous versions of Vegas, does not support MXF files created by Panasonic camcorders such as the HVX200. (For more on the significant new features that Vegas Pro 9 does offer, see Jim Harvey's review on Creative COW.)
Perhaps Sony feels little pressure to support its rival's format as a standard, out-of-the-box feature, since the need has been addressed successfully by Austin, Texas-based DVFilm with its $195 Raylight plug-in. Last year I reviewed Vegas 8 and Raylight, which I noted "elegantly and reliably marries Vegas and Panasonic MXF". I also observed that Sony seemed to have made a strategic decision to use Raylight as the preferred way of getting Panasonic MXF files onto the Vegas timeline. That still seems to be the case. In fact, as far as I know, DVFilm products are still the only way to use Panasonic MXF files in Vegas without having to convert the MXF files into a different format first. Sony supports its own version of MXF (XDCAM) in Vegas, but not Panasonic's (P2); instead, Sony cooperates with DVFilm to support Panasonic MXF.
Now DVFilm has released Raylight Ultra as the successor to Raylight. Although DVFilm continues to support Raylight, future development efforts will be focused on Ultra. (By the way, there is no Ultra for Adobe Premiere Pro, since Premiere has had built-in support for Panasonic MXF files since version CS3.)
I have mostly used Raylight, and now Ultra, for their core functionality, that is, coding/decoding MXF files. (Because this is their core functionality, they are often described as codecs, even though the products also include the Raylight Plug-in for Sony Vegas; RayMaker, an application that converts MXF files into AVI files; P2 Maker, an application that converts Raylight AVI into MXF files; and a control panel for the Raylight codec.) That core, in my experience over several months, is solid.
For this review, I ventured into some of Ultra's "added features" and found a couple of problems, but at this point only an issue with the "suppress recompression" feature remains. DVFilm is working on that. (I tested primarily with Raylight Ultra 1.1.) I'm guessing these problems reflect typical version 1 birthing pains, since according to DVFilm Ultra is all-new code, not just a revision of the previous Raylight code.
Improved Performance
Probably the most important new feature in Ultra is improved performance, which makes it more likely that you'll be able to edit in real time, at full resolution, with smooth playback and good visual fidelity. Prior to Ultra, it was expected that, when previewing on the timeline, you would have to make a choice between previewing full-resolution video and getting smooth playback. You'd typically have to render the project to see full-res smooth playback. Ultra's improved performance makes it more likely that you can get the best of both worlds when previewing on the timeline.
This improvement is reflected in the fact that Ultra has just two editing modes, where the previous version had four. In both new and old versions, there is a Raylight Red (Low Res Proxy) mode designed to allow you to work in real time ( though with a significantly degraded image) even on a slow machine or with a very demanding project..
The difference between the new and old comes at the high end. In the previous version, the best mode from a visual perspective, Raylight Blue, was not designed to support real time previewing on the timeline. With Ultra, the Raylight Ultraviolet (Max Quality) mode is intended to be both maximum quality and real time. Of course, the computer you're running on and the complexity of your Vegas project will enter into the equation in determining whether you actually achieve that or not.

The Ultra Settings screen with radio buttons at the top for Ultraviolet and Red modes

When it comes to performance for previewing, the weakest link in the chain determines your experience. That means that factors other than the Raylight codec (hard disk speed, the complexity of the Vegas project, processor speed) may play a more decisive role in determining your editing experience than the efficiency of the codec.
One of the most demanding things I tried to do with Ultra was to preview three superimposed tracks at 1920 x 1080. The top two were masked so that part of each of the three tracks was visible. There were no filters or special effects on the video. There were also three tracks of audio and a checkered background created using the Vegas "generated media" capability.
This generally previewed smoothly on an HP XW4600 workstation running Windows XP Pro, although a couple of times the top video track disappeared for an instant, so all that was previewed for that instant were the two video tracks below it. Often this would happen a second of two after I started playing the video, after which everything proceeded smoothly.
But, for my needs, most of the time, Ultra achieves its goal of editing in real time with high quality.
If you're not able to get smooth full-resolution playback with Ultra, the bottleneck is most likely something other than Ultra. You should probably try things like putting video files on a separate dedicated disk (instead of storing the Vegas project file and the video files on the same disk) and defragmenting your hard disk. Or you may need a faster hard disk or processor.
You'll notice that there's a checkbox on the Ultra configuration screen for "Mark Red/Yellow/Green". (You can see it in the lower left portion of the figure above.) Selecting this checkbox creates a colored border around video rendered at less than maximum quality; the color of the border indicates the quality. I originally thought that, with Ultra, the checkbox should just be labeled "Mark Red", since that is the only less-than-maximum quality setting for MXF files in Vegas 9. In reality, for backward compatibility, the Green and Yellow modes are available in Ultra–with AVIs or with Vegas 8 . These were included for backwards compatibility. You access them by using the old, four-button Raylight control panel which was re-created for Ultra. This is documented in the help file, last sentence of section 5. The help file also provides a link for downloading the four-button control panel if you need it.
"Fast Render": and "Auto Mode" are items on the Ultra configuration screen that Ultra does not use. They should have been removed.
Ultra Red Alert
Even in the best of circumstances, using the "Red" (low-res) preview mode is a bit of a pain. Before you can use it, you have to create low-res proxies, using DVFilm's RayMaker. This is a batch process that can take a significant amount of time, depending on the number of files. The proxies also take up disk space (generally, about a third to a half as much space as the original MXF files). You actually drag the AVI proxy onto the timeline. Depending on how Ultra is configured (for Red or for Ultraviolet) it displays the proxy itself or the full-res clip.
Because of the extra hassle involved, I personally have avoided Red ever since Raylight stopped requiring proxies and started allowing you to just drag MXF files directly into the timeline. If I'm not getting smooth playback (usually because of multiple video tracks with masks, filters or special effects), I just preview at a lower resolution, by making the preview window smaller and using the "Preview (Auto)" mode in Vegas. If I really need to see full-res 100% smooth video with one of these demanding sections, I do a test render.
I initially had trouble getting Red to work on either of the machines I tested on (an HP XW4600 workstation running Windows XP Pro and an HP Pavilion laptop running Vista). However, the problem was fixed in Ultra 1.1.1. If you're running Ultra 1.1 and have a problem with Red, be sure to upgrade.
Suppressing Recompression
Ultra has a "suppress recompression" feature which is intended to allow the codec to bypass compression / decompression in situations where it is superfluous, that is, when the output from the codec is supposed to bit-for-bit the same as the input. To use this feature, you have to use the Raylight codec when setting up your render in Vegas. Then you can click the Configure button by the codec selection dropdown (see figure below) and make sure that "Suppress Recomp" is selected on the Ultra configuration screen (shown below).
The Configure button on the DVFilm Raylight Ultra Settings screen
The Ultra help file says that the Suppress Recomp feature "creates non-recompressed Raylight AVI’s from either AVI’s or MXF files. The codec calculates a checksum or signature on each frame handed to the editing system. On compression of frames when rendering a raylight AVI, the codec recalculates the checksum to see if it has changed. If it has not, then it uses a saved copy of the compressed frame (the original camera data). This speeds up processing because the compression step is skipped, and it also improves image quality because unnecessary recompression is eliminated."
I had a terrible time with this feature. Over the course of eight rounds of testing -- probably around 40 individual renders or render attempts -- this feature worked for me once.
First, after I failed to get it to work in Vegas 9, I consulted DVFilm support, who told me that Suppress recompression does not work in Vegas 9 with MXF files. (This is now documented at, end of section 12.)
They also forwarded an explanation, namely that the Vegas 9 plug-in does not use the Raylight VFW (Video for Windows or AVI) codec like the Vegas 8 plug-in and all previous versions, "since the VFW system is not available in 64-bit systems and we had to make it work with Vista 64. It has its own copy of the Raylight codec. So the codec data cannot be shared between the MXF plug-in and the VFW (AVI) codec, which is how suppress recompression works for MXF files."
They added that, "If you need non-recompressed editing you can either edit with Raylight AVI source files or wait until we have the direct MXF export feature working for the Vegas 9 plug-in, which will be available later this year, or use Vegas 8."
I tried using Vegas 8, also with little success, even after many attempts with different render setups, project setups, etc. My worst failures were Raylight DLL errors, which also caused Vegas 8 to exit silently (no error message) when I tried to render. (DVFilm has reproduced this error and is working on a fix.)
On most occasions, the render worked, but recompression was not suppressed. The timecode in the rendered file is supposed to tell you whether you have recompressed or not, and it always indicated recompression. The Ultra help file says you can tell non-recompressed footage because the timecode burn-in of the rendered section will be the same as the original camera timecode. Otherwise, if the section is recompressed – for a dissolve for example – the timecode will start at zero. In my testing, I used the same MXF clip twice in a row. If compression had been suppressed, the timecode in the render should have started at the same time as the original clip and jumped back to that time midway through the rendered file – in other words, it would have exactly mirrored the source timecode. That happened only once.
In an email, Marcus van Bavel, DVFilm's chief engineer, told me that somewhere between version 8.0 and 8.0c Vegas began to export AVI from YUV format frames rather than RGB frames, using a YUV format that Ultra doesn't support yet.
"In fact we were not even aware that they changed it (and of course they didn't tell us). And that's the reason you cannot export with suppress recompression," said van Bavel.
The problem is that Ultra is trying to checksum frames that are smaller than expected.
"Since we have not released 1.2 yet," said van Bavel, "there is still some hope it will be fixed in that release."
Once Ultra is modified to support this feature, I recommend (based on DVFilm's attempts to help me) that you proceed as follows when suppressing recompression:
  • Be sure of the frame resolution, frame rate and field order of your original footage. For instance, mine was 1920 x 1080, 29.97 frames per second, upper field first. (In Vegas, the preset for this is "HD-1080-60i".) Also, check your audio settings. My original audio was 48KHz sampling rate, 16 bit. I got this information for the raw footage by looking at the metadata or "clip" (XML) file created by the Panasonic HVX200 when it writes the footage to the P2 card.

  • Make sure your Project settings (File > Project Settings) match your original footage.

  • Check to make sure Vegas is reading the footage correctly. One way to do this is by right-clicking on the clip in the timeline, then selecting Properties and going to the Media tab. To check a lot of clips, it's easier to look in the Project Media window (View > Project Media or Alt-5).

  • Make sure you render with these same settings.
A potentially useful feature of Ultra is metadata slating. Basically, this takes metadata information from the P2 "clip" file (the same XML file mentioned in the previous section, automatically created by the camcorder when recording) and puts it on the first or second frame of the clip on the timeline. By default, Ultra is configured to show the slate on the first frame. This configuration is shown in the screen shot below.
The metadata slate configuration section on the Ultra Settings screen

The screen shot below shows a sample slate.
The metadata slate in the Vegas timeline

Note that slates do render. So you'll definitely want to turn the slate feature off before a final render.
I was initially confused when a slate failed to appear on one clip, the first clip on a particular P2 card. I had failed to read the part of the help file that says, "The slate never appears on MXF files that are a continuation of a spanned clip."
Spanned clips are created when a single clip (from a logical perspective) needs to be recorded in two different physical files. This can happen for one of two reasons: First, the FAT file system used by P2 camcorders such as the HVX200 can't handle files larger than about 4.2GB. So, if a single clip would exceed that maximum size, it is divided into two or more clips. Second, if a P2 card fills up, and a second P2 card is available that is not full, the camcorder automatically and transparently switches over and starts writing to the second P2 card. The result is that half of the logical clip is on one P2 card and half on the other. Again, two physical files form one logical clip.
Ultra only slates the first physical clip for each logical clip. This can be helpful, since it means that where you see multiple physical clips on the timeline, the slates mark the logical clips. For instance, in the figure below, there are three physical clips but just two logical clips. The first two physical clips are one logical clip, so only the first one is slated. (The third clip is so short that only the slate is visible on the time line at this particular level of timeline expansion.)
Three physical clips, with the first two spanned
Another interesting metadata feature is mapping the P2 "UserClipName" to the "Tape Name" in the Project Media window in Vegas. In the field, the camera operator can use P2 CMS or P2 Viewer software (both free from Panasonic) to give each clip a useful name like "CU Bob Take 2". The P2 camera can also increment the last number in the clip name automatically.
The user clip name will appear in the Project Media window in Vegas as the Tape Name (assuming you're in "Detailed" view). You may prefer to drag the "Tape Name" column over to the left, perhaps positioning it next to the MXF file name.
You can also sort the clips alphabetically by user clip name. This makes it easier to find a particular clip.
"It's much better than having to view each clip and then add a comment in Vegas," said van Bavel. "The cameraman pre-names the clips so the editor can start editing sooner. This is the big advantage to P2 editing vs tape."
I give Ultra four and a half cows, since its core functionality (all I really care about) is great, but I had problems with the "suppress recompression" feature.

OFX Plug-Ins in Sony Vegas Pro 11: Multiple Parameter Curves

Creating Text in Sony Vegas Pro 11

Twixtor - Working with Edits in Sony Vegas

Color Match in Sony Vegas Pro

Sony Creative Software updates Vegas Pro

If you needed more proof that 3D stereoscopic tools are on fire, look no further than Sony Creative Software. At NAB 2011, the company behind Vegas Pro announced that the NLE solution now supports a comprehensive 3D workflow.

Sony Vegas Pro 10 3D editing

Sony Vegas Pro 10 3D editing

Vegas Pro 10.0d offers a range of new features, including improved closed captioning options, support for AMD's ATI graphics chipsets using OpenCL, and an improved track group workflow. Closed captioning support now provides broadcast editors with the ability to read and write closed captioning embedded in MPEG-2, enabling a unified workflow for EIA-608, EIA-708 and MXF delivery options. Vegas Pro 10.0d also incorporates timeline burning to full-frame 3D Blu-ray Discs.

Vegas Pro 10.0d expanded its GPU-accelerated AVC encoding support to video editing professionals using AMD ATI graphics chipsets which support OpenCL, the open standard for parallel programming of heterogeneous systems. This new feature enables faster project rendering in many cases when using the Sony AVC encoder for a more efficient workflow. Additional updates include MVC and MPO 3D file format compatibility from Sony cameras including TD10, NX3D1, TD300 and the Alpha and NEX series, providing users with added support for advanced camera and media technologies.

Sony Vegas Pro 10

Sony Vegas Pro 10 - upgrade 10.0d coming in late April 2011

Vegas Pro 10.0d will be available for download in late April and is free for existing registered Vegas Pro 10 users, or $249.95 for owners of Vegas Pro 9 or prior. Vegas Pro 10.0d is also available for purchase at retailers worldwide for a Manufacturer's Suggested Retail Price of $699.95. Localized French, German, Spanish and Japanese versions are also available.

Sony Creative Software also announced a new upgrade to Z Depth, Z Depth 2.0, which will be released in May 2011. A significant upgrade to the Blu-ray 3D subtitling application, Z Depth 2.0 enhances the ability for 3D authoring companies to easily create required disparity metadata files for positioning of subtitles and interactive graphic menus in 3D Blu-ray Disc production. Combined with the 3D capabilities of Vegas Pro 10, Z Depth 2.0 provides automated depth value calculation of stereoscopic video and graphically displays the offset value in the preview window during recording and playback when preparing subtitles for 3D Blu-ray Discs. The latest version also provides additional support for Digital Cinema 3D production.

Z Depth by Sony Creative Software upgrades to Z Depth 2.0

Z Depth by Sony Creative Software upgrades to Z Depth 2.0

Also announced at NAB 2011 was the availability of a new sound effects series created by The Detroit Chop Shop. The new software series, recorded and produced by founder Ric Viers and The Detroit Chop Shop team, comprises 10 volumes of ready-to-use sound effects. The series includes sounds for General Sound Effects, Action, Horror, Science Fiction, Production Elements, Transportation, Nature, Fire, Explosions & Impacts, and Industrial. The sound effects are encoded with metadata compatible with most search engines. Available now, the Detroit Chop Shop Sound Effects Series may be purchased online, or from retailers worldwide, in several product configurations

Transformations and Animations using BCC in Sony Vegas Pro 10

Mastering Materials in Sony Vegas Pro 10

BCC Extruded Text in Sony Vegas Pro 10

Neat Video: Removing Noise and Grain from your Footage

Sony Vegas Movie Studio 9 Platinum Review

Vegas Movie Studio 9 Platinum Edition Software Production
Vegas Movie Studio 9 Platinum Edition Software Production
  • Near-professional grade features
  • Intuitive timeline layout
  • Reasonably priced
  • Lacks polish
  • Relies on context menus
  • Steep learning curve

Sony Vegas Movie Studio 9 Platinum Full Review

 By: Dustin Sklavos
Welcome to intermediate video editing, kids: Sony Vegas Movie Studio Platinum 9. In my film classes, Sony Vegas would regularly be mentioned as a popular alternative for video editing against Adobe Premiere Pro and Final Cut Pro, with cash-strapped students opting to use Vegas instead of the more expensive pro-grade suites. It isn't too difficult to see why.
Sony Vegas 
Movie Studio Platinum 9 project media
Sony Vegas 9 can be had for as little as $59.95 off of Sony's site ($89.95 for the Platinum version reviewed here which includes HDV support), but I hesitate to categorize it as entry-level or beginner software. The feel of the software is fairly logical and robust, but the learning curve is somewhat steep; many commands are handled through right-clicking and the top menu, and Vegas 9 doesn't really employ wizards the way its competitors do. Instead, there are lengthy tutorials that teach you how to handle the extensive software options, rather than simply doing it for you.
Sony Vegas 
Movie Studio Platinum 9 tutorials
If I'd never used a video editor before, opening and using Vegas 9 might seem very intimidating. So what does it have to offer the dedicated learner?
Sony Vegas 
Movie Studio Platinum 9 output
For starters, Sony Vegas 9 Platinum supports the modern formats you'd require, and offers a handsome number of simplified formats for output early on. For Vegas 9, you essentially choose what you want to master your video in and stick with it, though you can always change things later on. While you're editing, the media you bring into Vegas 9 will be adapted to the format you're mastering in. If you're doing just generic 4:3 DV, HDV will be automatically scaled down and letterboxed on your timeline.
Unfortunately I was unable to test DVD or Blu-ray mastering in the demo version of Vegas 9, but the full pay version does come with disc-burning software in the form of DVD Architect Studio 4.5.
The process of importing footage into Sony Vegas 9 is remarkably simple.
Sony Vegas 
Movie Studio Platinum 9 explorer
The program includes a default Explorer browser window, and from there you can find and right-click media on your hard drive to bring into your Media Bin.
Where Vegas 9 does get slightly goofy is in capturing from tape. Capturing HDV is done within the main program, but to capture DV - still the dominant format - Vegas 9 opens a separate program. On the flipside, Vegas 9 supports the typical scene detection that most video editors do, but also supports Batch Capture. Capturing video can be tedious work, so being able to shuttle through your tape and log in and out points and then just capture them all at once is a real time-saver.
Editing is where things get tricky with Sony Vegas 9. The general timeline layout is to be praised and applauded, and while I'm trying to avoid comparisons with earlier software in favor of a big wrap-up later on, it bears mentioning that Vegas 9 does Corel VideoStudio's timelines properly. How?
For starters, the silly "overlay" track - used largely for green/blue-screen compositing work - is still here, but arranged in the most logical place: Above the main video timeline. And then above that is the title track, essentially ordering the individual tracks the way they ought to be properly layered as opposed to Corel's goofy way of stacking them beneath the main video timeline. Likewise, the main audio track, dubbed "Voice" is located right under the main video track where it ought to be. Below that are appropriate music and sound effects tracks. You could put whatever sound you want in these, but at least it keeps things organized.
Vegas 9 does not, however, have a "sceneline" the way many of its peers do. No, for editing in Vegas 9 you'll be doing things the "hard" way, which means editing all your clips into a single project, instead of editing together scenes, and editing those scenes into a complete, larger project. Also, the "Trimming" tab seems awkward and more obtuse than the simple "Source" monitor used in professional software.
Sony Vegas 
Movie Studio Platinum 9 menu
And then there's the real kick in the groin: A large amount of Vegas 9's primary functionality is handled in right-click menus and in the menu bar. This is intuitive in the "I know how to use Windows" sense, but in many ways I feel like the screen real estate taken up by the program could be tweaked to allow for something more user-friendly, maybe like the ribbon interface Microsoft is pushing with Office 2007 and some of the apps included in Windows 7. The whole layout is a little bit absurd, with the vast majority of the screen taken up by the timelines and the monitor/playback window being needlessly small. These things can be tweaked, but they're odd defaults nonetheless.
Sony Vegas 
Movie Studio Platinum 9 color correction
I'd also like to briefly touch on the "Effects" in Vegas 9, which are actually pretty robust. If you have the time and patience to learn them - and oftentimes the best way is to just take a video clip and futz with it - some of them are incredibly powerful, but they aren't that user-friendly. Once again Sony has traded form for functionality.
Sony Vegas 
Movie Studio Platinum 9 movie output
Vegas 9's output options are nicely simplified, giving you just five options that intelligently expand. You can export your video to your hard drive, to a disc, publish it online, send it to your camera or a portable device, or e-mail it to someone; the options spider out from there.
Sony Vegas 
Movie Studio Platinum 9 movie output 2
Unfortunately, exporting to the hard drive results in a mess of options so complex that I actually laughed when I saw the "Advanced Render" button at the bottom of it -- because the un-Advanced version is already too complicated. Closer examination can simplify things somewhat, but again, this window is needlessly complex and daunting at first glance.
Again, I was unable to test the disc exporting software as it's actually done in a separate suite not included with the trial version of Vegas 9, but that software does come with the full version. Publishing online includes the usual suspect, YouTube, and it walks you through the process pretty easily.
Out of the software I've reviewed so far  --  Adobe Premiere Elements 7, Corel VideoStudio X2, and Vegas 9  --  I think I like Vegas 9 the best personally, but it's not the one I'd recommend off the top of my head. I appreciate how robust and semi-professional the suite is, but at the same time Vegas 9 is a little bit too old-fashioned-Windows-looking, and it seems too obtuse for the average user who just wants to edit together some family videos. Vegas 9 is powerful and the timeline is intelligently designed, but some real polish would go a long way. Instead of having everything operate off of context menus, why not just have a menu bar at the top or side of the window that changes depending on whatever's highlighted? Some color and larger icons don't just simplify things and make them more attractive, they make the software less intimidating so that function isn't lost in a sea of "holy crap, how do I do this?"
Sony Vegas 9 has the potential to bring near-professional-grade power to the consumer market, but it needs more time in the oven. The era of just shoving a new user into tutorials has been over with for a while now.
  • Extremely powerful.
  • Intelligently, logically laid out timeline.
  • Excellent format support.
  • Reasonably priced.
  • Daunting looking, lacking polish.
  • Relies on context menus too much.
  • Requires tutorials.

Sony Vegas Pro 10 - Beginners Tutorial (New!)

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